Test “Living in Germany”

50 units – 10 days – Monday to Friday

4.7 – 124 ratings

Sebahat Yesilirmak

Your consulting contact, contact now

Please note that we currently only offer the “Living in Germany” test for our internal participants. We are happy to recommend the alternative “naturalization test” in our office.

What is the “Living in Germany” test?

The “Living in Germany” test takes place at the end of an orientation course on a separate date. For example, it contains questions on Germany’s political system, religious diversity and equal rights for men and women. The questionnaire for the “Living in Germany” test and the curriculum for the orientation course provide an overview of all the important topics for the test.

What can I expect in the test?

Each test participant receives a questionnaire with a total of 33 questions. There are four possible answers to each question on the questionnaire. Participants must mark the correct answer in each case. Participants have 60 minutes to answer 33 questions. The test is passed if at least 15 out of 33 questions are answered correctly.

How can I prepare for the test?

Preparation for the test is part of the orientation course. On the day of the exam, each participant receives their own test sheet with 33 questions. Of course, all test forms are equally heavy.
The aim of the integration course is for you to successfully take the final exam. The final test consists of the two exams for the language test “Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer” (DTZ) and the test “Leben in Deutschland”.


Please note that even if you book online, it is essential that you appear in person, as we require your original signature. You can come by without an appointment up to 3 weeks before the exam.

Test “Living in Germany”

50 units – 10 days – Monday to Friday

4.7 – 124 ratings


Fee exempt from VAT according to §4 UStG



Suspension railway station "Wuppertal-Oberbarmen"

Duration: approx. 10 minutes on foot


  • Leave the suspension railway station and walk north on Berliner Straße.
  • Turn right onto Schwarzbach.
  • Continue straight ahead, the road becomes the B7 (Friedrich-Engels-Allee).
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 5 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk west on the street Gathe.
  • Turn left onto the Nordbahntrasse.
  • Follow the Nordbahntrasse until you reach Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Turn right onto Friedrich-Engels-Allee.

Duration: approx. 15 minutes on foot


  • Leave the S-Bahn station and walk south on Winklerstraße.
  • Turn left onto Carnaper Straße.
  • Follow Carnaper Straße until it becomes Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 12 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk east on Höhne street.
  • Follow the road until it becomes Carnaper Straße.
  • Continue along Carnaper Straße until it becomes Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 18 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk west on Westkotter Straße.
  • Turn right onto Blücherstraße.
  • Follow Blücherstraße until you reach Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Turn left onto Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Anmeldung für Kurs oder Prüfung

Test “Living in Germany”


Dieser Kurs / diese Prüfung findet in unregelmäßigen Abständen statt. Hinterlassen Sie bitte Ihre Kontaktinformationen, damit wir Sie bestmöglich beraten können. Je nach Kurs / Prüfung benötigt es eine gewisse Anzahl an Teilnehmern, damit ein Kurs / eine Prüfung stattfinden kann. Wir kommen schnellstmöglich auf Sie zurück, vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse!

Registration for course or exam

Test “Living in Germany”


This course/examination takes place at irregular intervals. Please leave your contact details so that we can give you the best possible advice. Depending on the course/exam, a certain number of participants is required for a course/exam to take place. We will get back to you as soon as possible, thank you for your interest!