Our mission statement

Our mission is to pave the way for a successful future through excellent education and dedicated support.

Find out what drives us and what values shape our work at International Education Centers.

Our profile

As IEC – International Education Centers GmbH, we are a professional education center.
In addition to traditional in-service training, language courses, integration courses, tutoring and childcare for parents who want to learn German, the IEC team implements labor market policy instruments for a wide range of target groups.

Educational content and goals as well as integration requirements are subject to social, economic and technical conditions.

The IEC team always sees it as a challenge to adapt flexibly to the requirements of the education market in terms of content realignment and organization.

Educational work is associated with far-reaching consequences for the future quality of life of the individual participant. We therefore have a social responsibility that we can only fulfill through a consistent focus on the participant, high quality standards and the reliability and integrity of our work. We are thus making a contribution to shaping a humane, sustainable knowledge society.

Our customers

Our customers are adults with a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds who would like to improve, expand or secure their chances on the job market by taking part in our courses, seminars and further training courses.

However, our clients also include public bodies and institutions such as the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, but also the City of Wuppertal, the City of Remscheid and the City of Solingen as well as the Job Center of the aforementioned cities.

Our customers also include large companies and individuals.

Our goals

Based on a comprehensive concept of education, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH views people as learners in all their social, cultural, professional and private contexts. When developing, planning, organizing and implementing our offers, we make sure that they are open to everyone.

We provide expert advice for all interested parties to enable people to gain personal and professional qualifications through further training and to improve their opportunities to participate in social, economic, political and cultural life. We offer opportunities for creative learning and group work. We create a learning culture that contributes to strengthening the individual, their social skills and the joy of continuous further training. Our aim is to maintain and develop a lively, open and friendly educational institution.

Our aim is to develop and secure career prospects for participants based on their personal situation and abilities and to facilitate and promote their integration into the labor market.

Our goals are to continue to provide a permanent range of up-to-date training services in line with the needs of the labor market
Respond quickly and competently to changing educational content and processes
Ensure quality and always provide transparency in the organization and in the educational processes
Ensure continuous further development in the sense of a learning organization
To maintain and expand its status as a recognized and established educational service provider in Wuppertal.