General Terms and Conditions

of the IEC - International Education Centers GmbH
  1. Scope of application

The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) exclusively govern the relationship between IEC-International Education Centers GmbH (hereinafter referred to as IEC), Lise-Meitner-Str. 5-9 42119 Wuppertal, and its customers for all contracts with the IEC or with the registered trademark Bergische Sprachschule for the services offered by them. The GTC apply both to contracts concluded via the IEC online portal and at the locations.

These GTC are available at

Insofar as the term “customer” is used in the following, this refers to the contractual partner of IEC – International Education Centers GmbH. “Registered person/participant” means the person who makes use of the language course offer of IEC – International Education Centers GmbH on the basis of a concluded contract.

  1. General implementation

What do we offer?

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH offers language courses in the form of individual lessons, group lessons, company courses at the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH locations or at the customer’s premises, online language courses and language examinations, integration courses, further education courses, examination preparation courses, subsidized educational services and various services in the field of extracurricular learning support, further vocational training and accompanying childcare as part of these offers.

Who may use the service?

Only the registered person may use the services in accordance with the contract. Utilization by third parties is not permitted or only possible after consultation.

Who is authorized to provide the instruction/service?

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is entitled to have the contractual obligations performed by freelancers and expert third parties.

What learning materials do we use and how do we use them?

In addition to the course textbooks, other learning materials such as internal scripts and other materials are used, which may only be reproduced or passed on to third parties after consultation with the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH and its consent.

How do we behave during the lesson / exam?

In the interest of all customers, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH has the right to release the participant from the course or examination for that day in the event of improper conduct after two warnings, without reducing the payment obligation.

When am I entitled to participate in the booked service?

Only with written confirmation of registration and full payment is there an entitlement to participate in the service.

How are places allocated?

As group events have a limited number of participants, places are allocated on the basis of the date on which registration is received.

Anyone who does not meet their payment obligation on time may be excluded from participation until the fee has been paid, without this reducing the fees proportionately. The associated default interest and reminder fees shall be borne by the participant.

Will I receive a certificate?

Each participant receives a certificate of attendance or a certificate of successful participation. In the case of language examinations, the participant also receives a recognized language certificate after passing the examination.

How will I be informed about changes?

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH will inform the participant of any changes to the booked service immediately after becoming aware of the change by telephone, SMS, e-mail or other channels requested by the participant, such as WhatsApp or by post. If the participant has not provided any or only insufficient or outdated communication data at the time of registration or at a later date, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is not at fault if the participant suffers any damage as a result of not being informed of the change(s).

Can there be a change in the form of teaching/event or can an examination be postponed to a later date (so-called “pandemic regulation”)?

The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to hold a face-to-face group course/event or a face-to-face class online in a virtual classroom if there are important and unavoidable reasons for not holding the face-to-face course. The participant agrees that the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH may adapt and change the form of instruction if necessary. In this case, the participant must ensure that the necessary technical requirements are met. The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH also reserves the right to postpone a language test if there are urgent reasons such as force majeure (e.g. pandemic, illness of the examiners or similar). There is no right of withdrawal. The payment obligation continues to exist.

  1. Use of an education voucher / premium voucher

Information is required at the time of registration if an education voucher / premium voucher is submitted. The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH accepts the education voucher subject to the issue of a grant notification by the responsible approval authority.

  1. Default of payment

For each reminder, we charge a fee of at least EUR 5.00 plus VAT. Postage and registration fee if applicable.

The payer must ensure that his/her account is covered for the debit of the monthly school fees. The customer shall bear the costs of any returned direct debits.

A fee of €15 is due for each returned direct debit.

  1. Notice periods

Cancellation periods apply in accordance with the contract and the supplementary provisions for the booked service. Notice of termination must be given in text form.

  1. Data protection

Consent to the use of the customer’s or registered person’s data

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH collects and uses the personal data of the customer or the registered person provided upon conclusion of the contract in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. Personal data is used for the purpose of processing the existing contractual relationship with the customer. The customer expressly consents to this collection, processing and use of their personal data. The collection, processing and use of the personal data of the customer or the registered person is carried out in compliance with the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG).

IEC-International Education Centers GmbH requires the customer’s name and address in order to know who the contractual partner is, i.e. to whom the services are to be provided and invoiced;

The name of the registered person and their address are required in order to know for whose benefit the contract is being concluded, i.e. who is taking part in the booked service;

The contact details (e-mail address and telephone number) are required for any queries that may arise. They are also used to receive information and news, offers or other marketing measures, provided the customer has consented to this;

The account details are required in order to be able to collect the agreed fees if the customer has issued a SEPA direct debit mandate

The following applies to language examinations and language courses: IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is entitled to store and process the personal data of the examination participant collected during registration for the purpose of processing the examination in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to use personal data of examination participants for internal purposes (e.g. statistical evaluations). The data will not be passed on to third parties unless they are public authorities or test providers involved in the service used.

These are, for example, BAMF, immigration authorities, test providers such as telc gGmbH, ETS, LTS, g.a.s.t.

  1. Final provisions

No verbal collateral agreements have been made. Any subsequent amendments to this contract resulting from verbal agreements must be recorded in writing for reasons of proof

Should one or more provisions of these GTC be or become legally invalid, should there be a loophole or should one of the contractual provisions prove to be unenforceable, this shall not affect the legal validity of the other provisions or the GTC as such.

IEC-International Education Centers GmbH is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

  1. Revocation

Cancellation policy for contracts / bookings concluded online

If a contract is concluded using the online portal, the customer, if a consumer, has a right of withdrawal in accordance with the statutory provisions and the following withdrawal policy.

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us IEC-International Education Centers GmbH, Lise-Meitner Str. 5-9 42119 Wuppertal, by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail) of your decision to withdraw from this contract.

The e-mail is :

To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your notification of exercising your right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Consequences of revocation

If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you without undue delay and in any event not later than fourteen days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; under no circumstances will you be charged any fees for this repayment.

If the booked service begins during the withdrawal period or if the booking is made up to 14 days before the start of the service, the full fee for the booked service is due. Revocation is then no longer possible. For language examinations, special deviating provisions apply, which can be found in the supplementary provisions for language examinations.

  1. Subsidiary agreements

Subsidiary agreements and amendments to the conditions stated here must be made in writing to be effective.

10 Supplementary Provisions for the online events

Conclusion of the contract (only applies to online events of any kind)

The language used/selected on the website is available for the conclusion of the contract.

When using the online portal, the following technical steps lead to the conclusion of a contract:

Binding booking on the online portal https://www.internationaleducationcentersde by booking the offers selected by the customer.

An electronic order process is therefore provided online for the conclusion of the contract. After going through the order process and confirming these GTC by clicking on the corresponding check mark, the customer concludes a legally binding order by clicking on the “Book now” button. The customer will be informed immediately by e-mail about the receipt of the order (order confirmation). This order confirmation also contains another link to these General Terms and Conditions and the information on the right of withdrawal (withdrawal policy).

To confirm the contract, the customer receives an e-mail confirmation from Bergische Nachhilfeschule. Bergische Nachhilfeschule is entitled to cancel the order within 14 working days by sending a cancellation confirmation or to refuse to accept the order without giving reasons. The customer will be informed of any non-acceptance of the order within the aforementioned period by e-mail.

Implementation and scheduling (only applies to online events of any kind)

Only the registered person may use the services in accordance with the contract. Claims by third parties are not permitted. Passing on access data to third parties or the use of access by other, unregistered persons is prohibited. In the event of a violation, access may be blocked.

The offers may only be used for private purposes; commercial or industrial use or public presentation is only permitted with the express permission of IEC – International Education Centers GmbH.

Dates for online events for individual lessons: The customer or the registered person must agree the respective time for the use of the online events with their e-Tutor. The registered person must log in punctually at the agreed time. In principle, there is no entitlement to a specific date or a specific teacher.

The service begins with the first contact with the teacher after the assignment has been made

Once a binding order has been placed, a Microsoft 365 account will be created for the participant.

The participant will be sent access data for the virtual classroom or the Office portal.

The created account or access data may only be used for the purpose of the intended lesson or service. They may not be passed on to third parties. Any violation will be prosecuted under criminal and data protection law.

Technical requirements for the perception of an online offer (only applies to online events of any kind)

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH points out that certain technical requirements must be met by the customer in order to use the online services offered by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH. It is the responsibility of the customer to create the technical conditions for himself or the registered person at his own expense in order to be able to use the agreed services using the access provided by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH. The requirements can be found at

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to further develop or change the software used for the provision of online courses and thus adapt it to constantly advancing technical developments. In such a case, it is the customer’s responsibility to carry out the necessary adjustments to its technical infrastructure at its own expense within one month of being informed accordingly in advance. The customer has the right to terminate the contract within a period of one month after receipt of the corresponding notification if it is not possible for him to make an adjustment.

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH would like to point out that it is not possible to provide complete protection when using the Internet and transferring data. It is the customer’s responsibility to take the necessary precautions to secure his system.

The use of the services of IEC – International Education Centers GmbH or IEC-International Education Centers GmbH requires the use of software applications that are freely available on the Internet (third-party software). The customer is responsible for downloading and installing these software applications. The software provider does not act on behalf of IEC-International Education Centers GmbH, nor does IEC-International Education Centers GmbH use the software provider to fulfill its contractual obligations to the customer.

  1. Company courses

For company language courses and language examinations for employees of the respective companies, individual quotas are agreed, which are invoiced in one sum and must be paid before the start of the course/examination after invoicing.

Course fees for courses with a fixed duration / with a fixed start and end date must be paid in full before the start of the course within 10 days of invoicing or immediately when booking online.

Bookings of individual allotments for company language courses and language examinations for employees of the respective companies are binding and cannot be canceled free of charge if they are not effectively revoked in good time before the start of the course. If, in the case of an agreed term and a monthly payment or in the case of a company course or a language examination for an individual group of a corporate customer, there is a premature cancellation request after the expiry of the cancellation period and IEC – International Education Centers GmbH agrees to the premature cancellation, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is entitled to demand a compensation payment/cancellation fee. This amounts to 50% of the agreed tuition fees for the remaining time. Once the compensation payment has been made, the contract is terminated with immediate effect and there are no further obligations for either party. Of course, there will then be no further lessons. Notice of termination must be sent to IEC – International Education Centers GmbH in text form.

  1. Supplementary provisions for language courses

Group size and duration of the teaching unit for language courses

Lessons take place in the form of private lessons at home, individual or group lessons online or at our locations. A lesson lasts 45 or 60 minutes. A teaching unit generally lasts 90 or 120 minutes.

If there is temporarily no learning group with a minimum number of three pupils, the teaching unit is reduced by 15 minutes for a single lesson of 45 or 60 minutes or by 30 minutes for 90 or 120 minutes for a double lesson.

Hours missed

In the event of excused absences (illness or other justified cases), we endeavor to provide substitute lessons where possible in order to ensure systematic support. However, there is no entitlement to this. Absences do not entitle the student to a reduction in tuition fees, regardless of the reason.

In principle, any absence must be reported at least 24 hours before the start of lessons, but no later than 3 p.m. on the previous day, and must be excused in a comprehensible manner.

If the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is responsible for the cancellation of lessons, the lessons will be made up as far as possible. If it is not possible for IEC – International Education Centers GmbH to make up for the lessons, the costs will be refunded if they have already been debited.

If the participant or the legal representative does not accept the dates offered for replacement lessons in this case and does not offer any replacement dates themselves, no replacement lessons will be given and the missed lesson must be paid for.

Prices and terms of payment, default of payment

The prices and terms of payment agreed in the contract shall apply. The prices are net prices; in addition, the customer shall owe the applicable value added tax. The services of IEC-International Education

Centers GmbH in the area of language teaching with IEC – International Education Centers GmbH are currently exempt from VAT in accordance with § 4 No. 21 a) UStG.

The language courses can also be paid for in fixed monthly fees. The current premiums for this type of term contract are due on the 1st or a month in advance. The payments owed by the contractual partner shall be collected by SEPA direct debit, unless another payment method has been agreed. A possible registration fee will be debited together with the first monthly direct debit or must be paid at the time of booking.

If the customer wishes to use a payment method other than the SEPA direct debit procedure (e.g. bank transfer), payment of the course fees must be made in advance by the 3rd working day of a month at the latest. Payments must be made to the account provided to the customer upon conclusion of the contract, stating the customer and contract number.

If the direct debit authorization is terminated without prior written agreement or payment is not made on time, the full course fee for the entire contract period is due. This also applies to a delay in payment of one month or longer.

Packages with a certain number of lessons must be booked on our website and paid for in advance using the payment options available on our website. Booked packages cannot be refunded if they have not been effectively revoked in good time. If the booked lessons begin during the withdrawal period, the withdrawal period expires. The full fee for the hours booked is then due. There will be no refund.

By booking, the participant undertakes to make use of the hours booked. Non-utilization of the lessons does not entitle the participant to a refund of the course fees paid. If the participant does not make use of the booked lessons within 12 months, IEC-International Education Centers is no longer obliged to provide the booked lessons and to provide the necessary personnel and space resources. The hours expire 12 months after the last use of the booked hour.

How can IEC – International Education Centers GmbH give extraordinary notice of termination?

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH may terminate the tuition contract without notice for good cause with immediate effect and discontinue the tuition with immediate effect if the monthly fees are not paid for more than two months, if the participant violates the school regulations or for other serious reasons.

The house rules must be observed at the course location. Violations of the house rules or serious, repeated disturbances in class can lead to extraordinary termination by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH in the interest of all other language course participants.

In this case, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is entitled to charge a lump-sum compensation. This is calculated on the basis of the selected contract type and the contract term actually used. This amounts to 50% of the agreed tuition fees for the remaining time. Once the compensation payment has been made, the contract is terminated with immediate effect and there are no further obligations for either party.

The contractual partner shall be entitled to prove that no damage or significantly less damage has been incurred.

What happens if attendance is unreliable?

The contract can be terminated prematurely at any time by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH in the event of repeated irregular class attendance. In this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the course fees.

Can a group offer be canceled?

If the number of participants is insufficient, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH may cancel the language course or exam. The language course or language examination can also be canceled at short notice in the event of unforeseeable circumstances (e.g. illness of the teacher).

Participants will be informed immediately in such cases. Participation fees already paid will be refunded. The participants have no further claims.

You have the right to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the date of conclusion of the contract


The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH cannot accept any liability for personal injury or damage to property arising in connection with attendance of the respective language course or for failure to achieve the examination objective.

Attendance lists

Language course participants are obliged to sign the attendance lists as proof of attendance and to sign the lesson documentation if necessary.

  1. Supplementary provisions for language examinations and tests

These supplementary conditions of participation apply in addition to to the above provisions.

Registrations for examinations conducted by Die IEC – International Education Centers GmbH as an examination center can only be made via Die IEC – International Education Centers GmbH. Test and exam registrations for the LTS Language Services exams and the TestDaF are an exception. You can also register for these exams directly via the test provider’s website.

Registration & registration deadlines

The registration period ends 4 weeks calendar days before the examination date. The registration deadline is also the booking deadline for online bookings. Registration is binding upon receipt of the booking (online or on site) by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH. The examination fee is due in full upon registration. If there are other registration deadlines (shorter or longer registration deadlines), these will be shown on our website in the section of the respective exam.

Terms of payment

The examination fee must be paid when booking the desired examination date. Payment can be made by bank transfer, PayPal, direct debit or with the payment options offered on our website. The costs of the chosen payment method shall be borne by the examination participant. The examination fee is non-refundable. The examination fee cannot be refunded even if you withdraw from the examination after the withdrawal period has expired. The reason for the withdrawal is irrelevant. If the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH has not received payment 7 calendar days after invoicing, participation in the registered examination date is not possible. The examination fee is due in any case.

Examination venue and implementation regulations

All examinations take place on the premises of IEC – International Education Centers GmbH or on the premises of the client, if the client is a company. The duration of the examination and the conditions under which it is conducted depend on the specifications of the respective examination developer (e.g. telc gGmbH, LTS Language Services, TestDaF, BAMF, G.A.S.T.).

At the latest 1 week before the respective examination, detailed information for the examination day will be communicated to the examination participant. The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to change the examination location (within the respective city limits) at short notice.

There is no entitlement to an examination being carried out by a specific examiner, even if the examination has been announced with the name of an examiner.

Cancellation of the examination date by the examination center

The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH as examination center reserves the right to unilaterally revoke the registration confirmation or to cancel the examination date at short notice, e.g. if the number of participants is too low. In this case, any examination fees already paid will be refunded in full or a rebooking to another examination date will be made after consultation with the examination participant. Any further claims for damages are excluded.

If the examination cannot be held for reasons of force majeure, an alternative date will be set if possible. Claims for compensation in the event of examination failure due to force majeure are excluded.

Other provisions

The General Terms and Conditions of Die IEC – International Education Centers GmbH and the examination regulations of telc gGmbH, BAMF, G.A.S.T., LTS Language Testing Services GmbH apply in addition to the Conditions of Participation.

Cancellation / withdrawal by the participant

Cancellation after the start of the examination is excluded. Non-participation does not release the participant from the obligation to pay.

In the event of termination or cancellation after the withdrawal period has expired, the full examination fee is always due – regardless of how long it takes until the examination. This is because the booking has been fully processed.

A refund is not possible in these cases.

If the booked examination begins during the withdrawal period or if the booking is made 4 calendar weeks or less than 4 calendar weeks before the start of the examination, termination or withdrawal is excluded. In this case, the full fee for the booked examination is due and will not be refunded. This is due to the fact that certain registration deadlines apply for exams and the exam registration is completed 4 weeks before the booked exam.

A change of time, room or location does not entitle the participant to cancel the course or reduce the fees. IEC – International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to make changes to the program schedule.

Unexpected unemployment of the participant, insolvency of the company or comparable events do not release the participant from the contractual obligations. In such cases, the debtor remains the contractual partner.

Withdrawal period

The right of withdrawal of 14 days contained in the general provisions expires if there are 4 or less than 4 weeks until the examination date.

The test is processed immediately after booking/registration and made available to the test provider. The test center incurs expenses due to the time-consuming administration / processing. Cancellation is therefore associated with cancellation costs. Cancellation costs therefore amount to 50% of the examination price from the time of booking. The full examination fee is due if you withdraw 4 weeks or more before the examination date.

  1. House rules / examination distance

The house rules must be observed at the examination venue. Violations of the house rules or serious, repeated disturbances during the examinations can lead to removal from the examination or expulsion from the premises in the interests of all other examination participants.


The examination center IEC – International Education Centers GmbH must be informed immediately of any changes of address or name.


International Education Centers cannot accept any liability for personal injury or damage to property arising in connection with the attendance of the respective booked examination.

No liability can be accepted for failure to achieve the examination objective.

  1. Supplementary provisions for continuing education events

By registering for our continuing education events, you also agree to the validity of the supplementary provisions for continuing education events.

By registering, the participant undertakes to attend the entire event.

Participation is only granted upon written confirmation of registration / booking and payment of the event fee.

Please check the information on the registration confirmation regarding the seminar/course and the registered participant. Please inform us of any corrections and additions in good time.

As the courses have a limited number of participants, places are allocated on the basis of the date of receipt of registration.

Anyone who does not meet their payment obligation on time may be excluded from participating in lessons until the fee has been paid, without this reducing the event fees proportionately. The associated default interest and reminder fees shall be borne by the participant.

Upon completion of the course, the participant receives a certificate of attendance or a certificate of successful participation.


Further training courses take place on the premises of IEC – International Education Centers GmbH or on the premises of the client if it is a company in-house course. One lesson lasts 45 minutes.

If lessons cannot be given for reasons of force majeure, substitute lessons will be given if possible.

In exceptional cases, IEC-International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to change lecturers and/or postpone or change the program schedule. There is no entitlement to a course being held by a specific teacher, even if the course has been announced with the name of a teacher.

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH will inform the participant of any changes within the meaning of paragraph 2 by text message or e-mail immediately after becoming aware of the change. If the participant has not provided any or only insufficient or outdated communication data at the time of registration or at a later date, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is not at fault if the participant suffers any damage as a result of not being informed of the change(s).

We would like to point out that there may be extended lesson times or additional lesson days on other days of the week due to public holidays or to compensate for cancelled lessons. In the event of lessons being canceled by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH, the latter must offer an alternative date.

Teaching materials

In the classroom, we provide teaching materials free of charge to supplement the training books as required. These may only be copied or passed on after consultation with IEC – International Education Centers GmbH.

Hours missed

If a participant does not take part in the lessons, this does not entitle him/her to a reduction in the lesson fee. IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is not obliged to provide substitute lessons.

If the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH is responsible for the cancellation of lessons (e.g. illness of a teacher), the lessons will be made up. If participants terminate lessons early without good cause, this also does not entitle them to a reduction in tuition fees or to cancel their registration.


The event fees are payable in full no later than 10 days after booking. Partial invoicing of the event fee is not possible. Deviating regulations require the confirmation of the IEC – International Education Centers in text form.

The participant must provide the IEC – International Education Centers with a direct debit authorization to pay the event fees or pay the fees within 10 working days of booking. Payment can still be made by bank transfer, PayPal, direct debit or with the payment options offered on our website. The costs of the selected payment method shall be borne by the participant. Changes to the account details must be communicated immediately on presentation of a direct debit authorization. If the direct debit authorization is terminated by the course participant, an alternative method of payment must be agreed with IEC – International Education Centers GmbH.

Cancellation / Cancellation by the IEC – International Education Centers GmbH

If the number of participants is insufficient, IEC – International Education Centers GmbH may cancel the course. The course may also be canceled at short notice in the event of unforeseeable circumstances (e.g. illness of the instructor, damage to or cancellation of the event rooms).

Participants will be informed immediately in such cases. Participation fees already paid will be refunded. The participants have no further claims.

IEC may terminate the contract in the cases set out in Section 314 BGB, in particular in the following cases:

Inappropriate behavior towards employees or the course instructor.

Any discrimination against employees or the course management based on skin color, religion, age, gender, nationality/origin, sexual or political orientation.

Misuse of the course for (party) political, religious or other ideological purposes or for agitation of any kind.

Violations of these principles can lead to termination of the contract without notice following a warning. The payment obligation is not reduced by any of these cases.

Cancellation / withdrawal by the participant

Cancellation after the start of the course is excluded. The full course fee is due after the start of the course. Non-participation does not release the participant from the obligation to pay.

In the event of termination or cancellation after the expiry of the withdrawal period, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total amount will be charged.

In the event of termination or cancellation 2 weeks before the start of the course, the course fee is due in full. If the booked service begins during the withdrawal period or if the booking is made up to 14 days before the start of the service, the full fee for the booked event is due.

Non-participation does not release the participant from the obligation to pay. In this case, the event fee must be paid in full.

However, if the course has one or more deficiencies that could or do have a lasting negative impact on the course, the participant must inform IEC – International Education Centers GmbH. The IEC – International Education Centers GmbH then has the opportunity to remedy these defects within a period of time to be determined. If the defects are not remedied, the participant may terminate the contract extraordinarily after expiry of the specified period.

A change of teacher does not entitle the student to withdraw from the contract or reduce the fees. IEC – International Education Centers GmbH reserves the right to change instructors and/or postpone or change the program schedule.

Unexpected unemployment of the participant, insolvency of the company or comparable events do not release the participant from the contractual obligations. In such cases, the debtor remains the contractual partner.

Course participants are obliged to sign in on the attendance lists as proof of attendance. The house rules must be observed at the course location. Violations of the house rules or serious, repeated disruptions in class can lead to extraordinary termination by IEC – International Education Centers GmbH in the interest of all other course participants.

15 Liability

IEC – International Education Centers GmbH cannot accept any liability for personal injury or damage to property arising in connection with the attendance of the respective course booked, in the event that the participant does not meet the professional admission requirements for admission to the examination at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or another examination center, for failure to achieve the examination goal, for the relocation of the course location and the course times.

  1. Supplementary provisions for subsidized training measures

Contents of measures

The contents of the measure can be found in the attached description of the measure. The participant is in a

The applicant was informed about the content, procedure and organization of the measure in an information meeting before the start of the measure.

Reference to degrees / certificate

Upon successful completion of the course, the participant receives a certificate of attendance or a certificate of successful participation. Obligations of the training provider

The training provider ensures that the measure is carried out conscientiously. The training provider undertakes to ensure – that the curriculum is adhered to and that all skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the objective of the measure are taught in accordance with the requirements of adult education. – only appoint persons to carry out the measure who are qualified to do so on the basis of their training and professional experience. – to carry out the measure in a training center that is suitable in terms of type and equipment – to provide the participant with learning materials and aids that are necessary to carry out the measure.

Obligations of the participant

The participant undertakes to participate regularly in the training measure/lesson times and to constantly strive to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, to conscientiously fulfill the tasks assigned to him/her and to contribute to his/her individual success.

The participant undertakes to inform the training provider immediately if he/she is absent from the course, stating the reason. In the event of illness, the participant is obliged to submit a doctor’s certificate stating the inability to work, its commencement and expected duration no later than the 3rd calendar day after the start of the illness.

The participant undertakes to treat the technical equipment of the educational institution, in particular the machines and equipment, the furniture and materials, with care and to use them only for the work assigned to them.

The participant undertakes to follow the instructions of the trainers or educational staff.

Reference to learning materials / work clothing / health and safety regulations

The participant undertakes to comply with the applicable health and safety and accident prevention regulations. The learning materials are made available to the participant free of charge and for their own use.

Costs for the participant

There are no additional costs for the participant.

Attendance lists / House rules / Extraordinary termination Course participants are obliged to sign the attendance lists as proof of attendance. The house rules must be observed at the course location.

Violations of the house rules or serious, repeated disruptions in class can lead to extraordinary termination by International Education Centers GmbH in the interest of all other course participants.

Data processing

The training provider respects the personal rights of the participants. The participant is hereby informed in accordance with §33 of the Federal Data Protection Act that the training provider collects, stores, processes and uses personal data electronically as part of the implementation of the measures. He/she agrees to the automated processing of personal data for the purposes of conducting the course and examination at the competent authority and for subsequent information. The educational institution collects, processes and uses data only in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations to fulfill the purpose of the contract and only to the extent necessary. All employees of the training provider are obliged to maintain data confidentiality.

Termination and cancellation of the contract / right of withdrawal

The education contract ends at the agreed end of the measure without the need for termination. If the funding body withdraws the cost approval for the measure, the contract ends on the date stated in the final withdrawal notice. The participant must be informed immediately of the premature termination of the measure. The contract may be terminated by either party for good cause without observing the notice period. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular if it is established in agreement with the funding body that the participant’s performance indicates that he/she will not achieve the objective of the measure, if the participant seriously violates his/her obligations, if the participant repeatedly seriously disrupts the teaching or instruction.

The participant has the right to withdraw from the contract free of charge within 14 days of concluding the contract, but no later than the start of the measure, if no funding is provided under SGB III.

Vacation policy

Where possible, the measures will be carried out taking into account the school vacations of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. However, there is no entitlement to time off during vacations if the measure takes place during this time. Rather, the regulations and guidelines of the cost bearer apply.

Contract copies

The contract shall be drawn up in duplicate. The participant and the training provider each receive a copy of the contract.