Financial support

Authorized institution under employment promotion law
Approved measures for activation and professional integration
Approved further training measures for the promotion of continuing vocational training

Premium voucher/education premium

over 50% of the training costs (max. € 500)


  • Gainful employment of at least 15 hours per week or parental or nursing leave
  • Taxable annual income of max. 20,000 euros (as joint taxpayers 40,000 euros)
  • Not yet received a premium voucher in the current calendar year
  • Possession of German citizenship or a work permit for Germany

Education voucher

over 50% of the training costs (max. € 500)


  • Employees or people returning to work – including the self-employed
  • Not yet received an education check in the current calendar year
  • Advice from W-tec or another education check advice center
  • Taxable annual income between 20,000 and 40,000 euros (between 40,000 and 80,000 euros for joint assessment)
  • Residence in North Rhine-Westphalia

For companies with between one and 250 employees and a workplace in NRW, ten education vouchers can be issued to employees each year.

Activation and placement voucher (AVGS)

over 100% of the training costs


  • Unemployed or at risk of unemployment
  • Prior consultation with the employment agency or job center
  • Approval notice from the placement specialist
  • Measure must begin in the period of validity

Education voucher

over 100% of the training costs


  • Unemployed or at risk of unemployment
  • Prior consultation with the employment agency or job center
  • Approval notice from the placement specialist
  • Measure must begin in the period of validity

Qualification Opportunities Act

for further training with an employer


  • Content taught not purely workplace-related
  • Completion of an apprenticeship is at least 4 years back
  • Last similar measure is at least 4 years back
  • Measure in the company or at the institution
  • Measure must be approved
  • Measure must be at least Take 160 hours
  • Exercised activity can be replaced by technologies or
  • Employees are otherwise affected by structural change or
  • Further training in a bottleneck profession


Assumption of costs:


<10 Besch. 10-249 Besch. <2500 Besch. >2500 Besch.
Assumption of course costs Up to 100% Up to 50% Up to 25% Up to 20%
Wage subsidy Up to 75% Up to 50% Up to 25% Up to 25%