Women’s and parent integration courses

50 units – 10 days – Monday to Friday

4.7 – 124 ratings

Sebahat Yesilirmak

Your consulting contact, contact now

Discover our specially designed women’s and parents’ integration courses, which aim not only to teach you the German language, but also to provide you with comprehensive knowledge about the German education system and social participation. These courses are an excellent opportunity for parents, especially women, to improve their language skills and at the same time become actively involved in the education and upbringing of their children.

Women’s and parents’ integration courses – overview

Target group: This program is aimed at parents who want to improve their German language skills in order to help their children with their homework and at women who, for various reasons, have not been able or willing to attend a German course.

Course content and structure:

  • Language course: Up to 900 lessons for women who want to learn together with other women and parents who want to familiarize themselves with the German education system. They learn to cope with everyday situations, from shopping and public transport to parents’ evenings and visits to the doctor.
  • Orientation course: 100 teaching units dealing with the German legal system, culture, history and the values of society. Special focus is placed on equality, tolerance and freedom.

Special features:

  • For parents: getting to know kindergartens and schools, networking with educators/teachers and other parents, insight into the education system and support options.
  • For women: Special advice on family, children and young people, as well as information on work and career opportunities in Germany.

Participation requirements:

  • Minimum age of 16 years.
  • For women: One or more children under the age of 18; residence permit for foreign women living permanently in Germany; ethnic German repatriates and their spouses; asylum seekers with good prospects of remaining in Germany or asylum seekers close to the labor market; EU citizens and German nationals without sufficient knowledge of German.


  • The course is free of charge for eligible participants. Other participants pay a fee of 2.29 euros per lesson. A partial refund of fees is possible under certain conditions.

Your benefit

By participating in this course, you will not only improve your language skills, but also gain important insights into the German education system, which will help you and your family to better integrate and participate in Germany. You build a network with other parents and women who want to overcome similar challenges and strengthen your self-confidence to actively participate in social life.

These courses offer a comprehensive platform for learning, exchange and support aimed at facilitating and promoting integration into German society. Take the opportunity to develop yourself further and get in touch with us to find out more about registration and conditions of participation.

Women’s and parent integration courses

50 units – 10 days – Monday to Friday

4.7 – 124 ratings


Fee exempt from VAT according to §4 UStG



Suspension railway station "Wuppertal-Oberbarmen"

Duration: approx. 10 minutes on foot


  • Leave the suspension railway station and walk north on Berliner Straße.
  • Turn right onto Schwarzbach.
  • Continue straight ahead, the road becomes the B7 (Friedrich-Engels-Allee).
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 5 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk west on the street Gathe.
  • Turn left onto the Nordbahntrasse.
  • Follow the Nordbahntrasse until you reach Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Turn right onto Friedrich-Engels-Allee.

Duration: approx. 15 minutes on foot


  • Leave the S-Bahn station and walk south on Winklerstraße.
  • Turn left onto Carnaper Straße.
  • Follow Carnaper Straße until it becomes Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 12 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk east on Höhne street.
  • Follow the road until it becomes Carnaper Straße.
  • Continue along Carnaper Straße until it becomes Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 18 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk west on Westkotter Straße.
  • Turn right onto Blücherstraße.
  • Follow Blücherstraße until you reach Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Turn left onto Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.