Exam preparation course telc German B1-B2 Care

50 units – 10 days – Monday to Friday

4.7 – 124 ratings

Sebahat Yesilirmak

Your consulting contact, contact now

Further training in German for the care sector
Your vocational language training in times of skills shortages

Would you like to take the telc-Deutsch B1/B2 Pflege language test? Do you need proof of your German language skills for your job as a care worker? Are you looking for a new professional challenge as a nurse and would like to familiarize yourself with technical terms?

Do you have a training voucher from your employment agency?

Then our language course for nursing staff is just right for you!

In our German for Nursing Professions course, you will learn the necessary job-related language skills. After completing the course, you will be well equipped for the care sector and can take the official telc-Deutsch B1/B2 Pflege language exam at our test center.

Funding / Costs

We are an approved provider according to AZAV. Your participation can therefore be 100% funded by the employment agency or job center via an education voucher. The course is therefore free of charge for you!

Type of event

We offer you our German courses for nursing professions with the following course types:

  • Classroom and online teaching as a measure with an education voucher according to §81 SGB III

Contents of your course

This course covers selected grammar and industry-specific vocabulary for participants from medical, nursing or commercial professions.

Further contents are:

  • Dealing with accidents, logging, filling out accident forms, etc.
  • Understanding written and oral reports and describing events
  • Care documentation
  • Medical history form
  • Initial interviews
  • Care planning
  • Compose e-mails
  • Patient discharge and transfer
  • Understanding job advertisements & writing applications
  • Excursus I: Biography work in nursing care E
  • Excursus II: typical career paths in geriatric care
  • Working in an international team
  • Making small talk
  • Work processes and work equipment
  • Further repetition and expansion of German grammar and vocabulary in a professional context
  • Communication in work-related situations with colleagues, superiors and other people (customers, suppliers, etc.)
  • Edit work instructions
  • Occupational safety, works council
  • Contents of the professional, theoretical knowledge transfer:
  • Laws and conditions in the care sector
  • Planning of work steps
  • Preparation of the workplace, taking into account hygienic and ergonomic requirements
  • Area-related work preparations
  • Teaching professional skills with the following objectives: – Knowledge of care concepts – Searching for and strengthening the self-care resources of those in need of care – Advice and guidance – Recognizing situations

Teaching social-communicative skills with the following objectives:

  • Building and maintaining professional relationships with other people
  • Developing empathy for patients
  • Strengthening the ability to deal with conflict, criticism, self-reflection and frustration tolerance

Teaching methodological skills with the following objectives:

  • Obtaining and processing information
  • Decision making
  • Prioritization
  • Systematic and targeted problem solving

Teaching personal skills with the following objectives:

  • Reflection on personal attitude to existential and ethical questions
  • Developing resilience to stress in order to find a good balance between closeness and distance
  • Self-reflection exercises to avoid “over-routinization”


You learn – together with other training participants – using modern teaching methods. With this mix, you will be optimally equipped for practice, both professionally and personally. Highly qualified experts with extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience will be available to teach and supervise you throughout your training. Our educational guides will accompany you in your learning and offer you support and assistance with all your questions and concerns.

telc language certificates and exam registration

If you wish, you can take the telc – Deutsch B1/B2 Pflege exam at our certified examination center directly after your further education / professional language course.
Of course, you can also just register for the exam.
If you would like to register for the telc language test at our certified test center, please click here.

Would you like one-to-one tuition or an individual group for your team or institution?

For our individual language course offers especially for care facilities and hospitals as well as for participants in individual lessons, please click

Exam preparation course telc German B1-B2 Care

4.7 – 124 ratings


Fee exempt from VAT according to §4 UStG



Suspension railway station "Wuppertal-Oberbarmen"

Duration: approx. 10 minutes on foot


  • Leave the suspension railway station and walk north on Berliner Straße.
  • Turn right onto Schwarzbach.
  • Continue straight ahead, the road becomes the B7 (Friedrich-Engels-Allee).
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 5 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk west on the street Gathe.
  • Turn left onto the Nordbahntrasse.
  • Follow the Nordbahntrasse until you reach Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Turn right onto Friedrich-Engels-Allee.

Duration: approx. 15 minutes on foot


  • Leave the S-Bahn station and walk south on Winklerstraße.
  • Turn left onto Carnaper Straße.
  • Follow Carnaper Straße until it becomes Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 12 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk east on Höhne street.
  • Follow the road until it becomes Carnaper Straße.
  • Continue along Carnaper Straße until it becomes Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.

Duration: approx. 18 minutes on foot


  • Leave the bus stop and walk west on Westkotter Straße.
  • Turn right onto Blücherstraße.
  • Follow Blücherstraße until you reach Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Turn left onto Friedrich-Engels-Allee.
  • Walk along Friedrich-Engels-Allee until you reach number 432 on the right-hand side.